Sunday, 15 September 2013

Facemask of the week..

Hey guys, 

Before I start I just want to apologise for being away for so long. Just so you are aware, for the next month my posts may be a little all over the place. I've had some bad news from the hospital so at the moment I'm working hard to sort that out! I will try my very best to get at least 3 posts up a week for the next month so please keep coming back!! 

Now on to what this post is actually about. My facemask of the week!! 

This week I chose the Montagne Jeunesse White Chocolate mask. 

Oh my word this mask smells amazing!! Once again I had to restrain myself so I didn't start licking it off my face!! 

This mask is ultra deep cleansing and contains cocoa butter, jojoba oil & rich cream. It also contains melted white chocolate.. YUM!! It deeply cleanses your skin to help clear/prevent any breakouts and leaving your skin feeling so amazingly soft and looking beautifully radiant. My skin looked absolutely gorgeous straight after removing this mask! It really did look radiant and clear enough to go without foundation!! (Please note: I didn't have any breakouts before applying this mask) The radiance lasted for the whole week which is just great. I really did feel as though I had a new skin. 

Another plus is that I didn't come out in any breakouts after using this mask. I do feel that Montagne Jeunesse masks are the best for not giving you breakouts after using! As you know, the company only use all natural products, which is one of the main reasons I continue to purchase their products.

I once again had enough in the sachet for two applications so my mum joined in the facemask fun!! I frequently save the left overs for the next week by putting them in a sealable bag to prevent them drying out.

I think the whole Montagne Jeunesse range is brilliant value for money.. Most of their masks can be picked up for £1 and most contain enough for two applications!! If you're not a fan of the clay masks then they do also do peel off masks and cloth masks, I believe these are priced a little higher but are still great value for money! 

I would highly recommend the White Chocolate mask, not only does it smell AMAZING!! But it leaves your skin looking good enough to go without foundation for a whole week! (I didn't have any blemishes at the time of using this mask, if you do then I can imagine it will help to clear them but don't expect it to clear your face instantly.. Though.. you will notice that your skin looks better instantly.) 

You can find this mask in most drugstores & supermarkets. You can also find it online at the Montagne Jeunesse website. (Sorry, I can't link as I'm on my IPhone) 

What is your favourite facemask from the Montagne Jeunesse range?


Sunday, 8 September 2013

Hot Picks -My Top 5 'Body Shop' Products

So for this weeks Hot Picks I have chosen the brand 'The Body Shop'.
The body shop is another brand that I absolutely love! All of their products are just so luxurious and smell AMAZING! I have picked 5 products which I absolutely love and continue to go back and buy all the time.

1) Moringa Body Butter - No surprises that this is one of The Body Shops best sellers! It has a really nice floral scent and it just smells AMAZING! It leaves your skin feeling super soft and smooth and smelling lovely all day!! £13 from HERE.
2) Moringa Shower Gel - Can you tell that I'm into the whole Moringa range? Once again this smells AMAZING and it lathers up really well, you really do only require a tiny amount! 60ml for £2, 250ml for £4 & 750ml for £12, all from HERE.
3) Wild Rose Hand Cream With SPF15 - This hand cream is one of the best I have ever used! It leaves your hands hydrated all day with only the tiniest amount of product! This is one of my everyday staple products and I think it will be for a long long time! It smells great too! It does say that it is for mature skin and it is suppose to minimise brown spots but who cares if it does what I want it to do? 30ml for £5 and 100ml for £10 from HERE 
4) Mango Body Scrub - I love anything that smells of mango so this was a must have product for me! It is great at removing dead skin cells and leaving your skin soft without the feeling that you've ripped 10 layers of skin off! £12.50 from HERE.
5)Vineyard Peach Lip Gloss - I haven't tried anything else from this range but if the lipgloss is anything to go by then I will be super happy! Every time I have it on my lips I want to lick it all off!! It smells that good! It does actually taste really nice too... I obviously had to try it!! It lasts ages for a gloss and it is super super glossy too! £7 from HERE.
What are your favourite Body Shop items? Can you recommend anything I should give a try?

Saturday, 7 September 2013

Wrinkle Fighting Super Foods

Who doesn't want to stay looking younger for longer? I know one big concern I have is getting wrinkles as I get older. Now I know I'm only 22 at the moment but with products already being marketed at my age group it is quite clear that prevention is key when fighting wrinkles! I came across an article on the internet that listed a load of different foods that are suppose to have anti-ageing properties and I have picked out my top 10 that are already included within my diet and researched them to find out what makes them anti ageing super foods
This is one of the best anti ageing substances out there and something that is readily available to most of us. I already drink plenty of water so I'm half way there to maintaining my youthful looks! It is recommended that you drink 2 litres of water a day. Water has many different advantages, one of them being anti ageing. It helps to retain your skins moisture and flush out any toxins that could cause your skin to age. Because of this, water is also great for people with acne or even if you just get frequent breakouts! Drinking 2 litres a day is such an easy way to get great, healthy looking skin! And.. to most of us (especially in the UK) water is FREE!!
Dark Chocolate
Who doesn't like chocolate? I know dark chocolate can be a bit hit and miss at times but in the name of beauty surely it's worth a try? Dark chocolate is loaded with age resisting antioxidants and flavanoids. It is thought that the higher the cocoa content, the more antioxidants. I personally like 'Green & Blacks Espresso Organic Dark Chocolate' with 70% cocoa. Chocolate already contains caffeine but this bar is infused with Arabic coffee, it is thought that caffeine not only has anti ageing properties but it also helps to prevent age related brain problems. 2 benefits in 1! So, next time your down the chocolate aisle in the supermarket, swap your milk chocolate for dark chocolate! Think wrinkles! 
My favourite fruit has to be grapes so this is no problem for me. Grapes contain some of the most potent antioxidants in the world and are one of the best anti ageing foods out there! It is recommended that eating grapes alongside taking vitamin C makes the antioxidants even more potent and therefore increases the benefits. The main benefits are protecting the skin from damage caused by toxins and pollutants in the air and encouraging the repair of collagen, this means that the skin keeps its elasticity and in turn means less wrinkles/saggy skin!! Red grapes are known to contain more of the antioxidants so it's definitely worth swapping your white grapes for red!
How do you like your eggs in the morning? Whether you like them scrambled, fried or poached, eggs are one excellent food to prevent ageing! They include Omega 3 fatty acids, protein, selenium and zinc which are all well known wrinkle fighters but the yolk contains Biotin. Biotin is known for repairing cell damage and therefore, repairing damaged skin. Egg-cellent!!
Onions & Garlic

If you can live with the smelly breath then onions and garlic are amazing at combating wrinkles! They are both known for their anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial and anti-viral properties which all together provide great anti ageing properties, mainly by helping to prevent cell damage, they are also powerful enough to reverse cell death which are both parts of the ageing process. These two super foods are best eaten raw so have your toothbrush to hand!!
  Not only are carrots brilliant for increasing your tan but they are also brilliant at fighting ageing. They are high in Vitamin A and Beta Carotene - both of these are very powerful antioxidants and dramatically boost collagen production and in turn prevents skin damage occurring. Have you ever heard someone say 'eat all your carrots so you can see in the dark'? Carrots are great for improving sight and stopping the deterioration of sight that sometimes occurs with ageing. Add a pile of carrots to your plate and make sure you can always see in the dark! 

This may be no surprise to you but cucumber is great at fading those wrinkles. Most of you will have applied slices to your eyes at some point in time but it pays to eat them afterwards! Adding cucumber into your diet will benefit those wrinkles in the long term. Cucumber contains vitamins A & C which are known for their collagen boosting properties, vitamin K, which is essential for bone strength and increasing brain function! Great to have the day before an exam in a nice tuna & cucumber sandwich! And, if that wasn't enough there are also many other compounds in cucumber which destroy harmful toxins. So, why not chop a cucumber up and place it in the fridge for the next time your feeling peckish.

 As you all should know, oranges are high in vitamin C. Vitamin C is an antioxidant and is great at finding and destroying toxins in the body, leading to healthier, younger looking skin. Oranges also are great at reducing blood pressure, improving circulation and reducing the levels of stress hormone. The reduction in blood pressure and the improved circulation are great ways to speed up the destroying of the toxins, meaning you will haveyounger looking skin in no time! Add a few oranges into your 5 a day and your well on the way!
Strawberries and ice cream - one of my favourite desserts of all time and now I can eat them and know I'm preserving my youthful looks. Strawberries are packed full of antioxidants and other anti ageing products which stimulate collagen production. They also contain a natural enzyme which whitens teeth, eliminating the yellowness that sometimes happens as you age and keeping your teeth pearly white!
 Do you know of any more anti ageing super foods?

Thursday, 5 September 2013

DIY Beauty Products 2

Who doesn't love home made beauty products? Not only are they cheap to make but they are chemical free and you know exactly what goes into them! There's also no packaging bumping up the cost of the product or adding to the landfill! It's a win win situation really! Home made beauty products also make brilliant gifts... place them in reusable containers and decorate to add your own personal touch. Let's face it, if I can make them then anyone can!
I have been testing out some new DIY Beauty Recipes over the past couple of weeks and thought I would share my top 3 with you!  
1) Dry Skin Treatment
All you need to make this treatment is mayonnaise and baby oil. Place 2 tablespoons of mayonnaise  in a dish and add 1 teaspoon of baby oil, this will make enough for one application. Apply it all over the face and neck and leave for 20 minutes before rinsing off with warm water. This treatment can also be used on any other dry patches you may have including, elbows, knees and feet! My face has been suffering lately and has had some dry patches here and there, this treatment left my face feeling beautifully smooth and well hydrated without leaving me looking really oily! I also tried this treatment for my feet! I applied it to my feet and placed cotton socks over the top. This meant that I could carry on walking around whilst letting the treatment do its work! I noticed an immediate improvement in the condition of my feet after using this and I will certainly continue to use it on a weekly basis! 
2) Herbal Facial Toner
For this recipe you need a bottle of Witch Hazel (which can be found at most pharmacies for pennies!) Witch Hazel makes a great facial toner but to add an added zing and extra
benefits, pour the Witch Hazel into a bowl and add fresh pieces of cucumber and rosemary. You can add 2 drops of essential oil to add a scent to the toner but this is optional. Cucumber is known for its soothing properties and will sooth any redness on the face. The rosemary is great for keeping blemishes at bay as it is a natural acne treatment. Place the mixture in the fridge and allow to soak for 3 days. After 3 days, pour the mixture through a sieve into a bottle. Add your own decorative label and this can be kept or given away as a gift! The perfect natural skin revival for when the weather gets colder. I have been alternating my home made toner with my everyday one and I have noticed such a difference in the amount of facial redness. My face looks more radiant after using this toner as opposed to my shop bought toner!
3) Honey Face Wash
You might not know but honey is a fabulous antibacterial natural product and has many unknown uses! One that I came across not too long ago was a honey face wash. It is simple to make yet very effective. You may think that you will end up in a sticky mess but trust me you wont! Honey can be used on its own as a gentle wash even on the most sensitive of skins but I came across a recipe which recommended adding a teaspoon of baking soda Add the baking soda to a tablespoon of honey , mix together and massage into the skin in circular motions, rinse off with warm water. The baking soda helps to gently exfoliate the skin without being too harsh and the honey helps the skin to retain moisture and feel more hydrated. This face wash is also great for people with acne due to the antibacterial properties of honey.  
Have you got any great DIY beauty product recipes?

Liebster Award 2

I have very kindly been nominated again for the Liebster Award by +A. Beniot  from Always Blabbing.
Unfortunately, due to being nominated already I cannot accept this award as such. I am very grateful for the nomination and it means a lot to me that I have been nominated not only once but twice!
To show my gratitude I am going to answer the questions that +A. Beniot  has set.
To find further details on the Liebster Award and to view my previous nomination please click HERE.
+A. Beniot Questions
1. Eyeliner gel or pencil?
Pencil. I find it much easier to use a Kohl pencil rather than a gel.
2. Favourite nail polish. 
OPI Are We There Yet?
3. Dream vacation destination?
Thailand - One day I will get there!!  
4.  Sandals or boots?
Sandals - I cannot stand having hot feet!
5. Favourite Season?
Autumn - I love how pretty everything looks in Autumn and how the sun is still shining but it is not boiling hot and you can still wrap up warm!
6. Favourite Holiday ?
Ibiza with my best friend.
7. Coloured mascara yay or nay? 
No. If a pop of colour is needed then eyeshadow is the way to achieve it!
8. Do you have animals?
Yes. I currently have 2 mice called Ben & Jerry. My cat, Poppy has sadly been put to sleep :-(
9. One make up product you can't live without
Foundation or Tinted Moisturiser - instantly brightens your complexion
10.  Favourite Movie?
PS. I Love You - It is one of the few films that I can watch over and over again!
11. Favourite Food?
Vanilla Brioche! - Lush!!!
Thank you once again to +A. Beniot the nomination means an awful lot to me and I am sorry that I couldn't accept as such.
Please check out +A. Beniot blog @ Always Blabbing, She has some great content as its definitely worth having a look :-)

Tuesday, 3 September 2013

Face Mask Of The Week...

This week my skin has taken quite a beating. What with all the crying and generally feeling very down (Click HERE to find out why) my skin has in return provided me with a few blemishes and dry patches.  
I usually carry out a facemask every week on a Saturday/Sunday but since I had a terrible time at the weekend I just didn't have time. Due to this, I thought I would give my skin an extra treat today and use the Montagne Jeunesse Hot Chocolate Pore Cleansing Sauna Masque.
This is a new mask from Montagne Jeunesse and is self heating and deep pore cleansing. It contains Mediterranean clay to cleanse out any dirt and oil from deep within your pores and rich dark chocolate and orange oil to leave your skin soft and smooth.
Before I applied the mask I fully cleansed my face with my Organic Surge Gentle Cleansing Lotion.
When I opened the packet I immediately noticed the smell, it smells just like Terry's Chocolate Orange and is absolutely divine! I had to restrain myself from licking it, that's how good it smells!
I applied the mask all over my face and under my chin paying particular attention to the areas where I have blemishes. As soon as the mask touched my face the self heating action began, it did feel as though your face was in a sauna, it was hot enough to enjoy the sensation without feeling as though your skin is burning and the warm feeling lasted until I washed the mask off. The heating element helps to open the pores and clear out any impurities.
After applying all over my face, there was enough in the packet to do another application so my mum applied the mask too - I love this about the Montagne Jeunesse masks, most of them come with enough product for two applications, perfect for having a girly pamper day!
The consistency of the product is perfect, it isn't at all sticky and gloopy and it's thin enough to easily apply but also thick enough so that it doesn't drip from your face or make a mess whilst applying.
Because of the heating element, this mask doesn't set, so your not stuck trying not to talk or move your face for 15 minutes! Perfect if like me you love talking!! 
The instructions recommend leaving on for 10-15 minutes but I always leave on for an extra 5 minutes. When it came to washing it off, it easily wiped away with hot water and a muslin cloth (a flannel or any face cloth you have would do the same). My skin immediately felt refreshed and very clean! It looked more radiant and my blemishes and dry patches weren't as noticeable. It generally looked in better condition. On top of that, my skin felt very soft and smooth. Although it felt clean it didn't feel tight unlike after using some face masks, there was also no residue left behind.
After patting my face dry I completed my night time routine (Click HERE) and finished by applying a small layer of Organic Surge Blissful Daily Moisturiser all over my face.
I don't usually get any more blemishes after using facemasks but I know that some people can get a bad breakout a few days after due to all the impurities being drawn out, just something to be aware of. They do usually clear up as quick as they came though and leave your skin in a much better, clearer condition afterwards.
What I love about the Montagne Jeunesse range is that they are all vegetarian friendly - they only use natural products and they don't test on animals! Perfect for everyone!! This face mask and most of the others in the range are £1 and can be bought from most Pharmacies & Supermarkets or from the Montagne Jeunesse website (Click HERE)- I personally bought mine from Asda.. Click HERE. Asda currently have an offer and the Montagne Jeunesse range where you can buy 4 face masks for £3.
What is your favourite facemask? Can you recommend another type from the Montagne Jeunesse range?

Monday, 2 September 2013

Cosmetics Fairy


Who doesn't like to get a great bargain when shopping? I know I do! So when I came across the online website Cosmetics Fairy I was in my element!
Cosmetics Fairy sell all kinds of different cosmetics, skincare and haircare all at discounted prices.
At first I was a bit wary, wondering how they could offer these products at such low prices when elsewhere on the internet they were sometimes triple the price! I still do not have the answer to that question but I do know that I have now built up a trust with Cosmetics Fairy and I highly recommend you try it out.
You can choose to pay by credit/debit card or by PayPal. I like having the option to pay by PayPal, the extra protection means a lot to me!
They also offer a points system that is similar to that of the Boots Advantage Card, only even better!! You receive 4 points for every £1 you spend but unlike the Boots Advantage Card, you can spend your points whenever you like, you can use them as part payment or save them up and treat yourself!
The other major selling point to this website is that for all UK orders over £10 they offer free delivery. They do also ship anywhere else in the world for a small fee! 
I love how simple the website is to use. You can choose to search by brand or by item. It's easy to search for all the lipsticks they have or all the Wet & Wild items they sell. They also have a dedicated area to all items under 99p which is just brilliant and certainly worth checking out as they have some absolute gems!
Cosmetics Fairy also offer 3 for 2 on certain items which means you can get an even bigger discount! 
I have spent hours on the Cosmetics Fairy website browsing and purchasing.
Here are my top 5 Cosmetic Fairy products:
1) Urban Decay 24/7 Glide On Shadow Pencil £3.75 (RRP £14) - Cosmetics Fairy have 5 shades to choose from, Rehab, Sin, Juju, Clash & Delinquent. I currently only have Rehab but I would like to add Sin to my collection. These pencils are crease proof, waterproof and highly pigmented yet feel very lightweight once applied. They can be used as a shadow and an eyeliner due to the fat shape but thin tip. I love how workable these shadow pencils are, they can be built up easily or can be used as a base colour before applying eye shadow. They are quick and easy to apply whether you want a wash of colour or a more dramatic eye look.  
2) Bourjois Eau De Gloss in Moka Frappe £0.99 (RRP £7.25) - Immediately hydrates your lips and adds a splash of colour. The finish is sheer but it lasts a long time for a gloss. It feels moisturising on the lips and not at all tacky. Great value for only 99p!!
3) Essie Mini Nail Polish £0.99 - Cosmetics Fairy have 4 mini Essie polishes for sale, Meet Me At Sunset, Smooth Sailing, Super Bossa Nova & Brazziliant - I have all of these colours and I absolutely love them. Each one is so pretty and different to other polishes I have. The formula is amazing, I can easily wear each of these polishes for over a week without them chipping! CF also have some full size Essie polishes ranging from £2.49 to £4.99. They have two duos for sale, priced at £3.75 - these are full sized Essie polishes too! Definitely worth taking a look!!
4) Boots No7 Stay Perfect Nail Polish £2.99 (RRP £6) - There are 19 shades to choose from on the CF website so there is a shade to suit everyone. I love the No7 polishes, they are easy to apply, fast drying and long wearing. £2.99 is a brilliant price for such great polishes! My favourite shades have to be 'Me Me Me' which is a gorgeous bright pink colour and 'Oyster' a lovely rosy, mauve colour.
5) L'Oreal HIP Crystal Eye Shadow Duo £0.99 - I have this duo in the shade 'Darling 829' which is a great neutral duo, it contains a cream shade and a brown shade. These duos are perfect for taking away with you so you can create different eye looks or perfect for using every day. Cosmetics Fairy have 18 different duo's on their website, meaning there are a number of different looks to be created! The shadows themselves are highly pigmented yet easy to blend and work with. I haven't noticed any fallout with this product either! They last all day without any creasing or smudging which is important to me when choosing eye shadows.   
Have you bought from the Cosmetics Fairy website before? What are your favourite bargains? 

Rest In Peace Poppy :-(

Last week was the worst week of my life. My OAP cat unfortunately had to be put to sleep on Saturday.
I have never experienced anything like it and it was such a hard thing to do! It was however, the right thing to do.
Poppy has had skin cancer on her nose for the past 18 months, she has already outlived the vets expectations. The skin cancer wasn't causing her any problems, she didn't even seem to know it was there - she was her normal self up until last week.
Last week, she took a turn for the worse and if you read my previous post you will know we took her to the vets and she was given a steroid injection and some eye drops. The skin cancer had eaten away at her nose and made her eye quite infected. She picked up loads after she was given the steroid injection but on Saturday she was having breathing difficulties. We took her back to the vets and I am sorry to say that it was the kindest thing to do to put her to sleep.
She hadn't been suffering at all up until last week but on Saturday she really was very poorly. I didn't want her to suffer at all as she means an awful lot to me! 
She was put to sleep and there were an awful lot of tears from me and my brother. She has been around the whole of my brothers life and since I was little! We were there with her the whole time and we spent time with her afterwards to say our goodbyes.
We have chosen for her to be cremated on her own and for her ashes to be put into a wooden casket with a plaque with her name on the front. She will take pride of place on the hearth and she will always be part of our family.
Poppy will be dearly missed by all of us. I am absolutely devastated, I cannot even remember a day where she hasn't been here. I cannot put into words how much I miss Poppy! The house feels so empty without her and the smallest thing keeps reminding us of her.
Rest in peace Poppy cat - We all love you lots and you will always be part of the family and you will be dearly missed!!!  

Friday, 30 August 2013

Hot Picks: My Top 5 Soap & Glory Products

I've decided that each week I am going to do a 'Hot Picks' post - This will be a quick post where I will pick my 5 favourite products from a chosen brand. If you have a brand you would like me to choose then please do leave a comment and let me know :-)
 This week the brand is 'Soap & Glory' - As you all know I love this brand so for me to only pick 5 products has been really hard!!
1) Soap & Glory - The Righteous Body Butter
Body butter for all over the body. The scent is amazing and lingers on the skin for ages! It leaves your skin feeling super soft & hydrated all day long without leaving any sticky residue behind.  
2) Soap & Glory - Hand Food
Silky smooth hand cream with extracts of lotus flower, smells gorgeous and lasts on the skin. Non-greasy but moisturises to keep your hands super soft.  
 3) Soap & Glory - Clean Girls Body Wash
Great shower/bath gel which cleans your skin whilst softening your skin. Smells like the 'Mist You Madly' body spray - Bergamot, YUM!!
 4) Soap & Glory - The Breakfast Scrub
Sugar exfoliant. Removes all dead skin cells to leave nice smooth skin behind. Smells almost good enough to eat!
 5) Soap & Glory - The Daily Smooth Body Butter
Scented with the 'Mist You Madly' scent, AMAZING!! Clears up dry skin instantly. Leaves your skin feeling hydrated without any sticky, greasy residue.
What are your favourite Soap & Glory Products?

My Night Time Skincare Routine.

I was asked by one of my followers to do a post on my 'Night Time Skincare Routine' and since I love reading other peoples, I thought I would share mine!
As most of you will already know, I like to change the products I use on a regular basis, mainly due to the fact that I like to try new things. These products in this routine are just the products that I am using and enjoying at the moment. The routine always stays the same, its just the products that change now and again.
(Click on the product names to view the products on the websites you can buy them from)
Lets start right at the beginning...
First of all I get into my PJ's - I love my PJ's, I am just so much more comfortable and feel like I can really chill out with them on.
I then tie my hair up and pin my fringe back, ready to start pampering!
I usually sit/lay down on my bed for about 5 minutes just to relax, sometimes I drink a cup of tea and check emails on my phone.
Once I have relaxed for 5 minutes, its time to take out my contact lenses. It is such a nice feeling at the end of a long day to get them out.. especially when I'm tired!
I then get my Organic Surge Gentle Cleansing Lotion and squirt a small amount into the palm of my hand. I rub this between both hands for a while and then apply all over my face, including my eye lids. Using large cotton pads I then wipe away the cleansing lotion from my face. With two new cotton pads I place one over each eye and gently rub until all the eye makeup is gone. I take another squirt of cleanser and repeat the above, just to make sure all my makeup has gone!
I like to wash my face with a face wash after cleansing, just to make sure my face is super clean. I use the Organic Surge Daily Care Face Wash. I first dampen my face using a muslin cloth and pump 2 pumps of the face wash into the palm of my hand, I rub this between both hands and then apply all over my face, including the eye area and massage into my skin until a lather has formed. I soak my muslin cloth in hot water (hot enough to tolerate), wring it out and lay over my face for approx. 2 minutes. This helps to open the pores and clean any impurities out. I remove the face wash using the muslin cloth after the two minutes and splash cold water all over the face to close my pores. I dry my face with a hand towel.
I apply a small amount of Manuka Doctor ApiClear Facial Toner to a large cotton pad and sweep over the face. I particularly like this toner because it helps to eliminate the cause of blemishes and provide a clearer complexion. Although I don't get a lot of blemishes, when I do, they seem to last quite a while. Since I have been using this toner I have noticed that I get even less blemishes than normal and when I do get them they are gone within a few days.
If I have any blemishes at the time then I use an Avon Clearskin Professional Clarifying Toner Pad to help sooth and refresh the skin, followed by applying a small amount of the Avon Clearskin Professional Daily Correcting Lotion to the affected area to help minimise pores, control oil and prevent/eliminate blemishes. The Avon Clearskin range works very well for me when I do have blemishes and unlike some 'spot treatments' I find the Avon range doesn't dry my skin out.
I then apply my moisturiser, I change moisturisers quite often, depending on the condition of my skin. If my skin is particularly oily then I use Clarins Ultra Matte Rebalancing Lotion For Oily Skin, this moisturiser contains an anti shine formula and instantly mattifies the skin whilst still providing hydration and soothing/calming any redness. A cheaper alternative that I sometimes use is the Superdrug Simply Pure Mattifying Moisturiser - This is specifically designed for combination skin and can be used on the most sensitive of skin too! It instantly mattifies the skin whilst hydrating without clogging your pores. If my skin is feeling dry and in need of moisture then I use Johnsons Rehydrating Night Cream For Normal Skin which helps to replenish moisture that has been lost during the day and hydrate your skin overnight. Another favourite of mine is the Organic Surge Blissful Daily Moisturiser which is ideal for normal or combination skin. It is very lightweight and helps to rebalance the skins condition whether that be oily or dry. I mainly use this on the days my skin doesn't know what it wants to do.   
After applying my moisturiser I wait 10 minutes to let is soak in fully, whilst this is happening I make myself a cup of tea or hot chocolate and usually check Facebook or Twitter on my phone. When 10 minutes is up I apply Burt's Bees Radiance Eye Cream. This eye cream is brilliant for reducing puffiness and smoothing fine lines and leaves the eye area looking much more radiant, smooth and hydrated.  
Apart from the products changing now and again I stick to this routine and find that it works really well for me!
At the weekend, I carry out a weekly DIY luxury spa each week, I spend time using a facemask/eye mask and generally give my skin a weekly treat using luxurious, indulgent products. I normally combine this with a bubble bath, body scrub and hair mask. I don't normally have time to do this during the week and I usually shower every morning, so when I do get chance to have a bath, I make the most of every second and really treat my body! My weekend DIY spa is my 'Me Time' for the week.  
Would you like me to share my DIY spa routine?
Do you have a specific night time routine that you stick to?