Tuesday, 27 August 2013

Little update

I would just like to quickly update you on the reason I haven't been able to blog for the past few days. I don't want you to think that I have vanished! I promise I will be back soon, my blog and all you visitors mean so much to me! Each and every one of you... Yes.. YOU :-)

I have suffered with my illness really badly just lately and this past week I have suffered... BADLY!! Things have been ten times worse. Resulting in me being in my sick bed for days. 

To add to all this drama, my very old cat, that has been my companion for most of my life has been quite poorly. She does have health problems, especially since she is so old and it is inevitable that she will have to be put to sleep at some point in the future. The past 2 days she has been sick and generally very lethargic but today she seems a lot brighter! I need to express to you that she is in no way suffering and she is a very happy, well looked after and spoilt cat! If she ever shows signs of suffering or not having a great quality of life then I will not hesitate to have her PTS. The last thing I want is for her to suffer! She has been to the vets today and we have had a lengthy discussion and I feel much better knowing she definitely isn't suffering! Unfortunately, it has come to the stage where palliative care is the only option though. The vet gave her a steroid injection and she is now on a course of antibiotic eye drops. We know this will not CURE her but it will make her feel a lot better. I have already seen a major improvement! Obviously, one day the difficult decision will have to be made but until that day I am going to enjoy every moment with her! 

The combination of my illness and my cat being ill has made me very down. I have cried so many tears these past few days. I just hope things will get easier from now , especially where my illness is concerned. 

I hope you all understand the lack of blog posts but I WILL be back with the promised 3 posts on Friday. I may even have a bonus post for you :-) 


This is my cat, Poppy :-)


  1. What a beautiful kitty. Glad both of you are feeling a bit better and sorry to hear you've been so sick.
    Can't wait to see your new posts. I posted a blog post about my Birmingham trip btw :)


    1. Thank you Jamie :-)
      I will take a look at the Birmingham post - looking forward to it :-)
      My posts will be up soon. Aiming for 3 today haha!

      Take care

  2. Hey laura im sorry to hear your ill, i love reading your posts. And your cat is beautiful. I can understand the bond you have. I feel the same with my cat.
    Get better soon
    Amber xx


    1. Thank you for your support Amber :-)
      Unfortunately my cat has now had to be put to sleep :-( I am absolutely devastated but it was the best thing to do. She really took a turn for the worse.

      Take care.
